Radiation Therapy
Practical use of simulators, treatment planning systems and treatment machines is essential for a radiation oncologist.
Treatment Machines
The Linear Accelerator
- 1.1 - Movements Of The Linac
- 1.2 - Linac Energies
- 1.3 - Linac Accessories
- 1.4 - Treatment Machine Schematics
Safety and Radiation Protection
- 2.1 - The Linac Bunker
- 2.2 - Emergency Shut-Off
- 2.3 - ALARA For Linacs
- 2.4 - Testing Of Radiation Protection
- 2.5 - Patient Safety
- 2.6 - Shielding Of The Patient
Quality Assurance
- 3.1 - Quality Assurance For New Treatments
- 3.2 - Regular Quality Assurance Procedures
- 3.3 - Minimisation Of Errors
Patient Setup
- 4.1 - Isocentre Of The Linac
- 4.2 - Patient Positioning
- 4.3 - Immobilisation Devices
- 4.4 - Surface Anatomy And Setup
- 4.5 - Source Surface Distance
- 4.6 - Extended SSD Treatment
- 4.7 - Bolus
Treatment Verification
- 5.1 - Portal Films
- 5.2 - Electronic Portal Imaging
- 5.3 - On Board kV Imaging (OBI)
- 5.4 - Cone Beam CT
- 5.5 - Errors In Radiotherapy Setup
- 5.6 - Action Thresholds
- 5.7 - Image Guidance
The Console
Orthovoltage / superficial X-ray treatment
- Kilovoltage patient setup
- Kilovoltage shielding techniques
- Kilovoltage energies
- Filtration of kilovoltage beams
- SSD of kilovoltage treatments
Early Tissue Toxicity
Waiting Lists, Fractionation & Triage
Quality Assurance
Patient Setup
- Immobilisation in the Simulator
- Manufacturing of Immobilisation Devices
- Isocentre of Simulator
- Laser and Tattoo Positions
- Surface Anatomy in the Simulator
- Shift of the Isocentre
- Bolus Materials
Electron Treatments
- Planning of Electron Treatment
- Methods of Electron Planning
- Treatment Planning and Electron Beams
- Uncertainty in Electron Beam Calculations
- Electron / Photon Junctions
- Bolus and Electrons
- Field Size Limits for Electrons
- Shielding and Electrons
Kilovoltage Treatments
- Kilovoltage energy and prescription
- Kilovoltage treatment and SSD
- Stand-off
- Specification of dose for kV treatment
- Shielding for kV treatment
Mould Room
Planning System
Quality Assurance
Factors affecting dose
- Photon beam energy and dose distribution
- Photon beam SSD and dose distribution
- Photon beam incidence and dose distribution
- Wedging and Dose Distribution
- Field size and dose distribution
- Inhomogeneity and dose distribution
- Inhomogeneity correction
- Parallel Opposed MV photon beams
Plan Generation
Plan Assessment
- Beam's Eye View
- Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs
- ICRU Dose Recommendations
- Dose Volume Histograms