I am a qualified Radiation Oncologist from India with 10 years of post graduate experience in the field. I need some information on Short term training in Radiation Oncology for international medical graduates.
It will be really nice if some body can provide me some information and help for the same.
What do you mean by short term training? As in training to become qualified Rad Onc outside of India?
Check out my Australian Rad Onc Training site - Here!
Yes, to have some training in high precision radiation therapy in Australia so that I can get registered as a specialist in Australia or New Zealand
I think the best people to talk to would be to college.
Their website is at www.ranzcr.edu.au
Check out my Australian Rad Onc Training site - Here!
I already did that but was told to look for accredited training centres' website for information. I could not find any information regarding Short term training for International Medical Graduates on any of the websites.
Hmmm. I'd suggest trying to talk to the college again, I don't know if individual sites are the best way to go.
Check out my Australian Rad Onc Training site - Here!